Available for Trade (3/14/2010) Cards I Need (12.10.2010)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Cool pull from 2009 Heritage Hi# Retail

Went to Target tonight with the crazies. Not because I needed anything but that's just what I do when I'm in Kernserville. I got a couple fat packs and 4 retail packs.

I was waiting in the car for Kim and I couldn't wait so I opened a fat pack and got nothin. Then I opened one of the retail packs and I got something pretty damn cool.

It's a piece of seat from the old Seals Stadium.

The thing that really excited me about this is that I knew who the San Francisco Seals were. Three of the DiMaggio brothers (Joe, Vince and Dom) played for the Seals. I remember a very long time ago, I wrote a report about Joe Dimaggio and I thought his time (as well as his brothers') with the Seals was intriguing.

Having a piece of that stadium is pretty cool. I like it way better than the Adam Jones relic I got out of a hobby box. It isn't exactly a Roger Maris pants jersey. But getting a piece of baseball history in a retail pack is pretty frickin sweet.

Merry Christmas to everyone in the blogosphere. I'd like to give a shot out to William of Foul Bunt,PA of The Player To Be Named Later, Marie and Sooz of A Cardboard Problem, Happy Holidays to you and your families.


beardy said...

Oh wow, that is cool. Nice pull!

Anonymous said...

Relic cards done right, who'd believe it? :)

Merry Christmas

MarieBay said...

That is pretty cool. I had some of those from earlier products and sold them on eBay because I didn't care for them. (They were also from places I didn't care about.) And way to be like Sooz and open the packs in the car.

Merry Christmas to you and Kim =) Hope Santa brings you guys baseball cards. (And brings the Yankees someone not named Damon to play LF)

Sooz said...

what the heck is wrong with opening packs in the car. Least he does while parked.

Merry christmas!

William Regenthal said...

Thanks Pete. Glad you got the seat from Seals Stadium. I knew what it was too because I'm reading a book about the NY Giants and Brooklyn Dodgers' move west... Pretty cool stuff.