I've severely slowed down on my Yankee Stadium Legacy pursuit. But I've been actively pursuing the Yankee Stadium Legacy relic cards. And I only need four cards:
Babe Ruth
Elston Howard
Joe Pepitone
Lou Piniella
That means exactly what you were thinking, I actually own these two cards:

They weren't cheap by any means and it stung pretty bad to get them. But I knew if I didn't get them when I had the chance it would bother me. I started collecting this set from a Don Mattingly and then a very cheap Reggie Jackson and Jorge Posada. It grew from there until it got to a point where I wanted all the cards except the Ruth, DiMaggio and Gehrig. That's just for the simple fact that these cards would be hard to find and if I did find them they would be extraordinarily expensive.
Well, I did find them and the prices were hard to swallow but not enough to turn me away. I was able to pick up the DiMaggio on eBay. It was a bit more than I wanted to spend but then again, I didn't know when I would see one again and would totally regret not picking it up. I picked the Gehrig up at a card show in Raleigh, NC the day before Easter. A guy had it and was asking quite a bit of money but I knew that this would be one of the few chances I would ever get to obtain this card. The card show didn't have anything I wanted other than a few singles for my Heritage sets. So I went for it.
And now I only need four more cards. I might have to pass on the Ruth. I'm pretty sure it'll go for an insane amount of money and I just don't think I can do that one. But the other three I think are feasible. The Piniella has been especially hard to come by but a couple have cropped up on eBay and I hope I can grab one for a reasonable amount. The Pepitone is about as rare as the Piniella, not sure when I'll be able to get ahold of one. Might end up overpaying for that one just because. I'm holding out on the Elston Howard because that's one of the more common ones but sellers are trying to sell it high. I don't expect to spend more than $20 for one and even that's pushing it in my eyes.
As for the rest of the YSL set, I have 1583 YSL cards which has me as 18th overall on the OwnTheLegacy site. If you have YSL cards feel free to email me, I'm open to trade.
If I get any of the cards you need, you can have them for.... one million, fafillion, kajillion dollars.
Good luck man. I'm glad I was there to see you buy the Gehrig in person. It is a SWEET card.
i need 9 cards to complete yankee legacy set--540,977,1106,2591,3289,4867,5142,5974,6628. can you help me?
I have 6 YSL cards: 3956, 3981, 4439, 5240, 6038, 6125. If you need them I'll be glad to trade them off.
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